Seattle kids deserve fully funded schools

Seattle Public Schools projects that it will face deficits at or around $100 million dollars in each of the next four years. They also project declining elementary school enrollment in the coming years. On September 11, 2024, the district announced an online hub that shares two proposed school closure options. Based on these options at least 17 schools will be closed and boundaries across the district redrawn.

These closures will only make a small dent in the budget deficit. This plan isn’t good enough. We must demand better for Seattle’s kids.

Take Action

Email Your School Board Director

Use our pre-written templates to email your school board director and let them know that you oppose their plan to close Seattle elementary schools.

Email your school board director now

Email Your State Legislators

We believe that the solution to the SPS budget crisis is fully funded schools. This is the responsibility of the Washington State Legislature.

Email your legislators now

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The fight to fully fund education for every child in Seattle won’t be won in a day. Join our email list to stay informed throughout the fall and into 2025.

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Get informed

Keeping up with all the news regarding school closures and the district’s “well-resourced school” plan is difficult. We get it. That’s why we’ve curated a quick digest of the facts regarding the issue. We’ve also included the latest decision-making timeline shared by the district.